For the past couple of months, I have been working a new job in a new town. I had to get out of the town I was living in. So thats a good thing. At this new job, you might as well call me a "Glorified Receptionist". Seriously. Thats all I do around here, is I do receptionist work, AND I put HDD into SATA Caddies for servers hot swap drives, format, box it up, rinse, lather, and repeat. On a daily basis. Did anyone know I have experience with hardware? Did they not ready my resume that shows I was a bench tech? I miss my Firedog job. I had a cool boss, cool co-workers, and I could stand around and fix computers all day. Where did those days go?
New tech article coming soon!!! (As soon as im done with scanning, data entry, and sending some emails)