Monday, October 1, 2012

The new FBI virus

There is a new virus going around. Its the fantastic FBI virus that has users confused and wondering what they did to incur that 200 dollar fine.

How I removed the virus:

Step one-Run RKill. This will kill the process from running. This can be obtained here.

Then you want to go ahead and head over to your C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\App Data\(random text) Inside a hidden folder, there is going to be a random string of numbers and letters. Delete that folder. (Inside this folder is going to be a program and its essentials. Mine started with a P, but I cannot remember the name. :)


Next, download and install Malwarebytes. Run a full scan. Usually this takes about an hour depending on a few factors.

When your done, it should have quarantined 2-4 more files. Go ahead and check the log file that is generated, and then click on the tab that says Quarantine. Here you are going to go ahead and delete everything there.

Last, download and install Ccleaner or Glary Utilities. On there is a utility to clean the registry. Go ahead and run that, and make sure to make a backup of your registry in an easy to remember place on your computer.

Last when that is done, go ahead and restart your computer.

When you restart your computer, you should have no more virus.

(I nor any poster on this blog is responsible for any damage or failure that may occur, you are doing this at your own discretion)

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