Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hackers-The Movie

I am sure everyone has seen this movie, and if you havent-you need to. The graphics of them "hacking" are very cheesey, the actors are cheesey, but I really cant just put this movie in my trash pile.
Plot-Some code kiddie hacks into a supercomputer, and steals a garbage file, and unbeknownst to him, contains the code line for a "virus" that is stealing money from a big company. Anways, the kids get blamed for it, and launch a world wide cyber attack that eventually ends in the bad guy going to jail, and Crash & Burn hooking up. Not a movie to watch with the kids because there is some nudity (yay for the geeks out there?).
Overall, I would say a fun movie to watch. This is in no way news from your tech support cube, it is just something fun that I wanted to do because I love this movie. Yes im a geek.
And in other news! We have winner of the week for an epic internet fail. Links to your OWN COMPUTERS HARD DRIVE do not work to show images on the internet. See here:
This is an epic fail. Yes it works on your browser, but no it will not work on ours. There is not much comentary to be made here, the picture speaks for itself.

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